How to Search For Companies for Mystery Shopping?

Especially for home-based workers, no policy is there which can make them rich quickly. Several under-employed and unemployed people are seeking the list of mystery shopping companies to make extra income. The field of mystery shopping is quite hard to enter but you get paid with its perseverance. In the market, there is no lack of companies for secret shopping which are daunting and mind-numbing because of having many scams. But you can find Mystery Shopping Companies which are legitimate with having a little research. Use your daily-use tools like your phone and internet connection to find such companies.

First off, find the types of jobs you love; shop at movie theaters, restaurants, departmental stores, office supply stores, clothing stores and various areas. Use scope of Mystery Shopping Company and your imagination. Look at several work-at-home websites and job boards to find opportunities for mystery shopping. You can find several job boards where you can find both bad and good reviews for different secret shopping companies in your locality.

Locate and find out all the assignments available by getting registered with secret shopping companies. Several companies publish assignments on the websites for job boards which are located centrally and others notify the secret shoppers with the available opportunities. To stay updated with any available assignments, keep checking your mail account. A Mystery Shopper Shopping by taking certification exams related to the company after getting the assignment. A lot of companies provide orientation guide to the shoppers. They read this guide and clear the quiz to start working on a specific assignment.

Visit the stores and observe what’s going on there and submit your reports in timely manner before getting them due. Try to become a nice shopper and prove yourself and get more assignments to earn more.

Tips & Suggestions

• Make sure the mystery shopping company you have found is MSPA certified. • Clear the certification exam held by Mystery Shopper Provider’s Association. Not only it is important to be a secret shopper, but several companies are also looking for MSPA certified individuals to provide assignments and certify them in Silver and Gold Shoppers’ list. • Some companies of mystery shopping are local, while some operate across the country. And no surefire list is there to know which company is operating in which locality or state. When it comes to look for secret shopping opportunities and mystery shopping agencies, people are likely to undergo several try-and-error situations.